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Journal : YARSI Medical Journal

Pengaruh Kurkumin pada Kultur Sel Luteal Tikus yang mengandung Teofilin terhadap Kadar cAMP dan Progesteron Purwaningsih, Endang; Kadarsih Soejono, Sri; Dasuki, Djaswadi; Meiyanto, Edy
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 17, No 3 (2009): SEPTEMBER - DESEMBER 2009
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.417 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v17i3.210


Senyawa kurkumin dapat menghambat steroidogenesis kultur sel luteal dengan menghambat sekresi progesteron. Letak kerja kurkumin pada steroidogenesis kultur sel luteal belum diketahui. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kurkumin terhadap kadar cAMP dan kadar progesteron pada steroidogenesis kultur sel luteal dengan penambahan teofilin. Subyek penelitian adalah korpus luteum tikus Sprague Dawley yang diinduksi dengan PMSG. Kurkumin diberikan sesaat setelah stimulasi LH dan atau PGF2a dengan dan tanpa penambahan teofilin. Kemudian kultur sel diinkubasi selama 24 jam. Konsentrasi cAMP diukur dengan metode ELISA sedangkam konsentrasi progesteron diukur dengan metode RIA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LH meningkatkan cAMP dan kadar progesteron secara bermakna, sedangkan PGF2a mengurangi kadar cAMP dan kadar progesteron secara tidak bermakna. Teofilin meningkatkan kadar cAMP dan kadar progesteron secara bermakna dan hampir sama dengan stimulasi LH. Kurkumin menghambat kadar cAMP oleh LH maupun teofilin. Disimpulkan bahwa kurkumin menghambat kadar cAMP dan kadar progesteron pada kultur sel luteal dengan cara menekan transduksi sinyal di up stream cAMP.
Efek Pentagamavunon-0 terhadap Konsentrasi cAMP dan Progesteron pada Kultur Sel Luteal yang mengandung Teofilin Purwaningsih, Endang; Kadarsih Soejono, Sri; Dasuki, Djaswadi; Meiyanto, Edy
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 17, No 2 (2009): MEI - AGUSTUS 2009
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v17i2.202


Curcumin analog (Pentagamavunon-0/PGV-0) can inhibit steroidogenesis of luteal cell culture. Corpus luteum secretes progesterone by LH stimulation. The main transduction signal of luteal cells steroidogenesis is through the cAMP/PKA. The objective of this study was to know the effect of PGV-0 on cAMP and progesterone concentration of luteal cell culture containing theophylline. The subject was corpus luteum of rat Sprague Dawley strain induced with PMSG (10 IU). PGV-0 was given shortly after the stimulation of LH and or PGF2? with or without theophyline. The cell culture then put into the incubator for 24 hours. Concentration of cAMP was assessed by ELISA whereas the progesterone concentration was determined by RIA. The result showed that LH stimulation caused cAMP and progesterone increase significantly. The inhibition of PGF2? on cAMP and progesterone concentrations showed no significant difference compared to the control. Theophylline increased the cAMP and progesterone concentration significantly but not to LH stimulation. PGV-0 did not inhibit cAMP concentration but PGV-0 inhibited the progesterone concentration by LH stimulation. In conclusion, PGV-0 inhibits signal transduction of lutheal cell in down stream cAMP.
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 15, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER-DESEMBER 2007
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.724 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v15i3.1075


Curcumin is one of the common traditional medicines that is often used for fertility regulation. Curcumin analogue, pentagamavunon-0/PGV-0, exerted similar effect with curcumin. Synthetic curcumin and PGV-0 possesses molecular structures similar to prostaglandin. It has been reported that luteal cells are able to produce progesterone in vitro by addition of several hormones such as LH and prostaglandin F2? (PGF2?). Stimulation of luteal cell cultures with LH and/or PGF2? in the presence of synthetic curcumin and PGV-0 will interfere with the progesterone production. Nevertheless, the precise site of action of curcumin remains unknown. The present study aims to determine the effect of synthetic curcumin and PGV-0 on the progesterone production by luteal cell cultures in the presence or absence of several known stimulators or inhibitors sucs as LH, PGF2? and forskolin, respectively. The results indicated that synthetic curcumin reduced the progesterone concentration significantly (p 0,05) in the luteal cell culture treated with solvent, LH and/or PGF2?, in the presence or absence of forskolin. In the groups treated with PGV-0, and induced with LH and/or PGF2?, the concentration of progesterone did not change significantly (p 0,05). Addition of forskolin on the control group resulted in higher progesterone concentration as that of LH. The findings indicated that synthetic curcumin inhibits progesterone production by the luteal cell cultures through the cAMP/PKA/MAP-Kinase signaling cascade, but PGV-0 might have the site of action in the PLC/PKC/MAP-Kinase signaling cascade.